Well the second year of Stockade at Grace is well under way. We have had a lot of the same guys out again this year as well as some new faces as well. We are excited to have Trent, a new recruits Dad also coming out this year. As you can see we are in full swing already. Last week I believe we had 14 boys out. Ranger Cliff talked to us about working for the Ambulance Service and how you work with a partner and how you have to work together with your partner as well as with other people like the police. We talked about teamwork and how to be a good team we have to learn not to be selfish and put others ahead of ourselves. Our theme verse was from 1 Thessalonians 5:13, 15 which says, "Live in peace with each other. Make sure nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else."
We also got to have some relay races in the gym and work on the travel game. Ranger Ed told us a story about Dave and Jon who were two good buddies even though Jon's Dad wanted to hurt Dave. We learned how Jon was able to help his friend out even though it meant he might get in trouble himself.
Lots going on. Can't wait to see you all this week. Remember Chief Ranger Laird is going to test us to see if we can tell how long a minute is without a watch. He also wants to see if we can figure out how a fly lands on the ceiling, I tried to find out, Did you?? See you Wednesday.
Thanks Ranger Dan for using this fantastic tool to promote Stockade 3445 specifically and CSB in general. We need to tell folks how to leave comments. I wonder how many of the parents have looked this up already.
Chief Ranger Laird
Thanks Ranger Dan.
it rockssssssssssss
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