Well tonight was the Grand Prix and from what I saw it was not a disappointment. Cars were judged on looks as well as the fastest car, with a trophy for each. After many rounds of double elimination and a final race where you had to win twice to be the champion, Markus H ended up with the trophy for the fastest car. Simon H with his blue and yellow Formula 1 "esque" car won for the best looking car. We also had a good number of parents, friends, and family members there to watch.
After the races were over Ranger Ed shared with us about how building cars takes a team of people to complete. Even our Grand Prix cars were not made by only us we all had help doing it. He also told us how being a Christian is like being on a team of people all working together and helping each other out. He also told us that our lives are like the Grand Prix track. Our cars did well on our track because it was nice and straight but if there had been corners to it our cars wouldn't do well at all. Ranger Ed shared a verse from Proverbs that says if we trust in the Lord at all times that he will make our life straight like the track. We also learned that at the end of our lives that we all come to the finish line. The apostle Paul told us to race so that we could win the prize at the finish line, just like we raced our cars to win a trophy tonight. At the end of our lives we can await the prize of eternal life with Christ.
Big thanks to Ranger Ed for supervising and looking after this event at Stockade. I can't wait for next year. Maybe by then my car will be finished.
Thanks also to the wives of the Rangers who sent cookies for us to enjoy after.
If you would like to see all the pictures that I took you can click